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Dale Patterson, Owner of Hop'n Moose Brewery

Dale Patterson: "Everyone loves a Vermont brewery"


Dale Patterson, owner of Hop'n Moose Brewery, moved to Vermont from his native Quebec to play for the UVM hockey team. Dale moved to Rutland in 1999 and has been selling woodworking equipment. After home brewing for a number of years, Dale decided it was time to open up a brew pub in Rutland. The Hop'n Moose Brewery opened in April 2014.


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Hop'n Moose Brewery
41 Center Street
Rutland, VT 

I've been selling CNC router equipmnet ever since I graduated in 1996. I did a lot of traveling and I would always find a brew pub. Just to try something different. They are neat, they are different and local. For 6 or 7 years I have been saying Rutland really needs something like this and there is just no place to go just to sit and chill and be in an environment like a brew pub. So finally, maybe 3-4 years ago, I bought some equipment and started brewing at home in the garage. I came up with some neat beers and started feeling like I could do this. Then this winter, I just decided what the heck, let’s go full on and try it. In December, I just decided you know what I’ve been talking about this too long. I’m just going to put a deposit on the equipment and then I will have to do it. I put a deposit before I even found the space. I looked at a few different spaces, but I like this space. The Paramount is right there, they close off this street like Church Street in Burlington a few times in the summer. I think the location will work well. And now it’s real.


I think there is a 90% occupancy in the downtown. The building across the road is empty, but for the most part it’s pretty good. The downtown has struggled and so has Rutland, but it seems to be coming around. For example, you can’t find a parking spot on Friday and Saturday night. They come for the Paramount, and every restaurant has a waiting list. So it’s nice.


What do you think Rutland's identity is?

That's a good question. Rutland is certainly not a Woodstock or a Middlebury. What do I think Rutland’s identity is? I don't really know, I'm not from here. I don’t think it’s nearly as bad as some people make it out to be. A lot of people from here love it here. I prefer a place like this over a Middlebury. I'm just not into the 'everything has to be white' deal like in Dorset.  I feel more at home here, I think it's fine. It may not be as ritzy, but it feels more down to Earth if you will.


We've been contacted by just about everybody. Everybody loves a brewery, especially a Vermont brewery. At this point I think people are just waiting for us to put out our own beer, which we are just days away from. Everything is set up and ready to go. Hopefully tomorrow we brew and by May 1st we will have it on tap. Then the sky is the limit. If we make good beer then we will be just fine. And I know we will.


How have Rutlanders been responding?

People have been responding with overwhelming.. well ‘support’ isn’t even strong enough a word. It’s thank you, thank you for believing in Rutland, thank you for doing this we have needed this for years, thank you, thank you. Our crowd has been phenomenal, its been just the right people. Almost nothing negative.


My plan was just simply to get open. A 'if you build it, they will come' sorta thing. It’s a Vermont brewery. We are going to make great beer. We make great pizza. And just sorta see where it ends up...

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